Order Our Model #20 Guide
Paddock Tool Co. Inc. is the home for all of your band saw guide needs. Our products have been manufactured in the USA since 1921 and are backed by a 100% quality guarantee. The Model #20 guide provides customers with the absolute best in terms of quality, performance, and craftsmanship.
Model #20 Parts List
- Thumb Screw
- Large Slide
- Small Slide
- Slide Connecting Screw
- Assembly (two thumb screws, two washers, one large slide, one small slide, and one slide connecting screw)
- Lower Guide Bracket
- No. 617-R Ball Bearing Wheel, double sealed
- 5/16″ Set Screw
- 3/4″ Top Guide Shaft
- Washer
- 5/16″ x 1″ Cap Screw
- 3/4″ Lower Guide Shaft
- Upper Guide Body Casting
- Lower Guide Body Casting
Model #20 Specifications
Model #20 guides can be installed on any machine having at least 2-1/2″ from back of blade to top guide post, and from back of blade to frame below table and will support blades from 1/4″ to 2″ wide. For 2″ blade simply remove and reverse the center assembly. Do not remove the wheel from slides. Ball bearing guide wheels are 2-1/4″ O.D.
To determine the model that you need for your band saw, please be ready with the following information when you call us:
To determine the model that you need for your band saw, please be ready with the following information when you call us:
• Name and model of saw (if available)
• Distance from back of blade to guide post
• Distance from back of blade to frame below table
• Size of insert slot in upper guide post
Billing Address
Tel: 913-621-3234
Fax: 785-670-8435
Credit Card, Paypal, Cashier's Check, Money Order, C.O.D., etc.